Hi Friends!
Scary News:
We are another week closer to a dream trip to see and meet my kiddos AND another week closer to bringing them home. I was confirmed again how important this trip is as I got an email regarding my sweet Baby F - they are concerned she has pneumonia and now maybe a heart problem. They took her to a larger city hospital and are considering taking her to a heart specialist.
Would you please pray with us?!
Better News:
I feel a peace that it may be nothing....and I'm super grateful I get to go see her soon WITH a team of doctors who may be able to help me sort things out. Really though, we know and trust Jesus is bigger than all of this and will take care of my sweet girl and handsome boy (this is all the BEST news).
Paperwork News:
We hit a small bump in the road with our home-study paperwork. Our agency is becoming Hague certified (a long and crazy process that is way too much to put in here save to say it is a good thing but painful process) and we now have to get background checks from everywhere Nate and I have lived since we turned 18. For us, this is several more places to do paperwork and pay fees (ouch!). New goal is to get that paperwork to the US FBI by the end of September.
So here is your "To-Do" list this week:
~ Pray fervently for the health and lives of our kids
~ buy all your Amazon things through the link to the right (we get a portion to help support our adoption)
~ Send Nate
chocolate encouragement as he has been super patient with my random cries and maternal hormone flips
~ if you have random medical supplies you'd like to send with me or money to purchase supplies to help set up the clinic let me know
Happy Pics: (can't wait to update them in October!!)
Katie, my prayers go up for you and your family. The adoption journey is hard and filled with so many different emotions, worries and good grief the amount of paperwork could drive a person crazy. It's a roller-coaster ride for sure. I understand and am dealing with those same struggles and emotions...I too am wrestling with the wait and the countless unknowns. But praise the Lord that he is in this and there are no unknowns to Him. The Father is there beside those sweet children in your absence and he is the one holding them...I have found much comfort in that truth. I know there are days that the end seems so far away and that it feels like you will never have them in your arms. Fight the good fight and continue in those small steps of obedience. One day you will see His promise fulfilled and it will be glorious. Praying!! I am looking forward to seeing updates this month!